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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Check your PayPal buttons!

As you know, SynergEbooks uses PayPal for their merchant account.  I personally have never had a problem using PayPal... and since eBay bought them out, PayPal has been given a huge leg up in terms of respectability and notariety. 

But recently I have hit a small snag.  Apparently, PayPal doesn't expect one to need SO MANY PayPal buttons.  And it seems that SynergEbooks has reached it's limit, so some of the Buy Now buttons may not be working.  If you don't mind, I'm asking all of you to go through and check to make sure that your Buy Now button for your title(s) is/are working.  Simply click on the Buy Now button for your book(s) and make sure it lists the correct title and price and that it does not give you an error message.

PayPal is working with me to get this problem solved.  It's going to take a lot of time to get it completely fixed, but in the meantime, I want to make sure that none of you loose out on sales if your Buy Now buttons aren't those who email me to let me know there are errors will obviously be put at the top of my update list. 

The main area there is a problem seems to be SynergE's PAPERBACKS link on the main page.   Most of the buttons are working just fine, but some of them have the wrong title and/or price.  This is the page I will be working to fix first, obviously, so please do not panic if those buttons aren't working correctly.  I do know about it and should have all of the buttons working fine by the end of this week.

I thank you in advance for checking your book listings.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: All the PayPal buttons on the PAPERBACKS link work fine now. The way to know if the PayPal buttons on your book title page are updated is as follows: If you see the credit card graphic underneathe the drop-down menu, your button is new and should work just fine. But feel free to check it to make sure (you don't have to actually purchase anything or give any information to PayPal to check your buttons.)
