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Monday, February 4, 2013

Newest eBook Release: MOONLIGHT

by Matthew Thompson (Fantasy)

Demons have broken free from their land and invaded the land of Deloria.  Five Guardians, granted magical powers, are chosen to defend Deloria from the demons.  Alaefin, a young farmer, knows nothing of this conflict until Ilyra, one of the Guardians, uproots him from his secluded life.  She explains the peril their world faces and informs him that he is to become one of the chosen five.  Together they leave to join forces with the other Guardians and attempt to save Deloria. 

Moonlight is an exceptional debut novel. It is easy to get so completely immersed in the descriptive setting and complex emotional states of characters that one forgets they had all been created by a novice author… Thompson is proof that age and ability do not go hand in hand. Although he is young, he delicately weaves fantastical elements together with internal scruples in a seamless pattern of pure excellence not achieved by many of his seniors. His novel manages to appeal to teen readers of both genders with its mixture of fierce battles and journeys of self-discovery. Moonlight tells not only a tale of war, but also one of friendship and bonds that no sword could ever dissever. Fast-paced and charged with both suspense and surprise, Moonlight is sure to leave any reader wishing for more.

~ Abby Ritter   

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