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Monday, March 5, 2012

SynergEbooks Adds Spirituality Genre!

SynergEbooks is proud to anounce the addition of the SPIRITUALITY genre to its website:
Check it out here: 

Submissions close on March 15th, but we will continue to accept submissions in this genre definately.

Interview with Velda Brotherton, Author of Wolf Song

Velda Brotherton, author of Wolf Song, is here today. Good morning, Velda. Please give us a brief bio, and include something about yourself that readers might be surprised to learn.

Sure, Susan.
I enjoy placing characters within the rich history of our country, in both fiction and nonfiction.  But it's fun to step out of the past into contemporary settings to write about women and the challenges they face. Tough heroines, strong and gentle heroes, villains to die for, are brought alive in the pages of my novels and books. I've even written a horror novel that is being considered for publication.

Where do you live, and how has your environment affected your writing?

I live in a home I designed and helped build on the edge of the Ozark National Forest in Arkansas. Like music and poetry, this environment lends peace and tranquility to my writing life. I am able to involve myself totally in every story with no distractions.

 How many books have you written?

Written? twenty or thirty, I would suppose. Had published? Thirteen going on fourteen. The rest were merely practice, a way of honing my craft.

Give a short synop of each book of Wolf Song.
Wolf Song is a paranormal mainstream novel recently released by SynergEbooks. Olivia wants only to escape her guilt and run free with the wolves. It will take a wolf to show her how to meet the challenges of her life and two men to teach her to love again. Strangely, the three are one.

Stone Heart's Woman is a western historical romance to be released in February from The Wild Rose Press. Stone Heart is torn between two worlds. Hating one he embraces the other. Aiden Connor stands with him to help his mother's people, the Northern Cheyenne, escape the grasp of the white world and return to their homeland. 

Is it available in print, ebook, and Kindle formats?

Wolf Song is in all ebook formats; Stone Heart's Woman will be in print and all ebook formats.

What sets your book apart from others?

The depth of unusual characters and the blending of truth and fiction to create unique stories.

What do you think is the greatest lesson you’ve learned about writing so far? What advice can you give other writers?

If you love writing enough to stick to it day after day, no matter the rejections and disappointments, then you will succeed. If you have to force yourself to write, then perhaps you should be doing something else.

You can read the rest of the interview here:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Celebrate SynergEbooks' 13th Anniversary!

Who says the number 13 is unlucky?  SynergEbooks opened it's cyber doors in March of 1999 and is still going strong.  And now we've revamped the place and it looks better than new!  Come on in and check us out - and tell us what you think.

Newest eBook Release - Welcome to the Fifth Dimension!

Your Guide to the Incoming Loving Spiritual Energyby Lorraine Hockely
As change accelerates on Earth, it is reassuring to learn about the new peaceful, loving energies that are all around us. Lorraine has channeled the messages from highly evolved spiritual teachers whose mission it is to help humanity embrace the incoming fifth dimension. She has added her own unique mix of practical tips and humour that will leave you full of hope for yourself, humanity and the fate of planet Earth.